This is a personal short story about my renewed faith. I wanted to write this to encourage anyone who feels anxious or like nothing makes sense. Or maybe you're looking for more in life. I hope and pray that this helps. I'm not a qualified theologian, this is just what I've learned...
Then I turned 23 and wanted to go my own way. I told everyone around me that I wasn't growing in that church, and that I wanted to look for another church. I wanted to choose my own church to go to. I took a few Sundays off from going to church, telling myself that I went for SO many years, that I deserved a break. I ended up never going to church again.
I still believed in Jesus, but I wanted to live my life how I wanted. I got a job overseas where I met my husband, and lived my life how I wanted to. But I slowly started dying spiritually, and I grieved the Holy Spirit. I still prayed to the Lord, but I lived a sinful life. Even though I was happy on the outside, I was miserable on the inside. Nothing satisfied me anymore, nothing I did brought me happiness. And I tried to turn my life back, but it was very hard for me because something was blocking me.
My husband and I worked overseas for six years, and decided that we're not going back this year. And this is how I know that the Lord is faithful; I know that through the 8 years since I left the church, that He kept His hand over me. I saw it all the time. We drove thousands of miles overseas, and had a few close accidents, but the Lord always protected us. He guided me, I made wrong decisions, but all the big ones I know He made for me. And this was one of them. Something inside me just said that we weren't going overseas this year. It wasn't an easy decision, because the money was overseas, but I never let money rule my life.
I had so much free time since we got back from overseas, but I never spent any of it reading the Bible or praying. I tried praying and making time for the Lord, but I couldn't get myself to do it. As if something was holding me back. I prayed for things, but it was always brief, and only for things that I wanted or needed; it was very self-centered.
Then this year started out very rough. We got a new puppy that got very sick, and I spent sleepless nights over him. I prayed for him for healing, and I believe the Lord healed him because he fully recovered from a rare virus he had. Even the vet said he was baffled by it. In between that, I was looking for a job, but I knew that my puppy was too young to be left with my parents, so I wasn't in a hurry to find a job yet, until he was a bit more mature and easy to handle.
Then came the virus in 2020. Along with everyone else, fear gripped me. I was so anxious about getting sick, and my parents getting sick, but I knew not to fear because the Bible tells us so. So I tried not to panic. I read the book of Revelations though, because something was telling me that I might find the answer for what is happening in there. I have a Bible that explains the verses, but I still didn't understand what I read.
Then on the night of the 23rd of March, I watched a video of a guy talking about everything going on, and that it was all planned. Whether that's true or not, I went to bed questioning everything that was happening around me.
The next morning I woke up nauseous with a tummy ache. I've never had a feeling like it in my life. I rushed over to my mom where I burst out crying because the things that are happening, are not a coincidence. I realised that it could very well be the end of life as we knew it, and if it was the end - I wasn't ready. I realised that I wasted so many years of my life trying to live my way, instead of the right way - the way that my Creator wanted me to live. That's when that thing that blocked me just lifted, and I could see very clearly everything around me. I knew I had to repent, and turn back to Jesus before it was too late. Since I did that, I've felt satisfied and happy again - complete. In the midst of all the chaos, I have perfect peace because of Jesus Christ.
I know that things won't ever be the same again, and that we are living in the last days. There's so much evidence, and everyone who believes, know that the Rapture is imminent. For anyone who doesn't believe in the Rapture - it means that there will be a moment in time in the near future, where a whole bunch of people are going to disappear. The world will make up some or other reason for it, but I'm telling you the reason now - the Rapture is the day Jesus comes to fetch His bride (the church). It's not too late for you to join the bride.
But for those who aren't taken up with the Rapture, just know that if you accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, you will be saved. It's never too late. After the 7 year tribulation (this is going to be a very hard time), Jesus is coming back, this time every eye will see Him on the clouds. He is coming back to make everything right again. There will be no more sorrow, no more hunger, no more pain, no crime, just peace. He will make right what the devil did in the Garden of Eden, when he misled Eve and caused her to sin.
Believe me, I know that it sounds crazy, but all Jesus asks of us is to believe in Him. Believe that He died on the cross for your sin, and that He rose again. Repent and Believe in Him, the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. He loves us so much, and He wants all of us to have eternal life. Since that moment of awakening, I've also started to really study the book of Revelation with the help of website. If Revelation is too much at first, maybe read the New Testament in the Bible first to understand what it means to be a Christian.
Love & Blessings
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