
Thursday, 6 November 2014

US Diaries: South Carolina Part 2

Our second spot in South Carolina was Greenville, SC, but more accurately Easley, SC. Once we arrived we waited pretty much the whole day for electricity - unfortunately electricity always takes a while out here. Well maybe not always, but most of the times.

The fairgrounds wasn't that exciting, but they did have a mobile zoo there so we got to look at some funky monkeys, goats, birds, foxes and donkeys. The next day they added some Elephants and Wallabies. Luckily we had Tuesday off, so I took the whole day to recover from tear-down and little sleep - cause even after eight months, it still takes it's toll on me.

I liked this spot because it was quiet and not so hot during the day, but freezing at night. The first few nights were okay; you could still warm the bunk with you body heat, but by the end of the second week, it got so cold at night that stuff would freeze. Like the bunk door would freeze shut and you would have to shove it hard to get it open. If you didn't have a heater, your room would be a refrigerator. Literally. It was just ridiculous. Look, I love winter, I really do, but I love Cape Town's winter, not this winter. It is just way too cold. I feel sorry for the people who live through this every year.

We were lucky enough to go eat at a really nice and fancy steakhouse called Longhorn Steakhouse. The food was delicious and it was nice to eat some real food for once!

This isn't exactly healthy food, but these people have the best fries and chicken tenders in all of America (so far)!

Anyway...besides the cold, business-wise the spot wasn't too great. It was probably the worst spot we've played all year. Easily. Tear-down was in one degree Celsius weather and that tells you how much that spot sucked. We closed about eight-thirty on Sunday to start tear-down - which took four hours - slept for five, got up and drove about six hours to this spot.

Oh and i have to add when we got up Monday morning, everything outside was frozen! The lead lines, the water hoses, the grass, the trucks and pick-ups, everything. I have never been in a place so cold.

But we made it through and we're now in Brunswick, Georgia. Seems more civilised we'll have to wait and see!

(Unfortunately i didn't get to take any photos of this spot - mainly due to my own procrastination - but after a while we all just wanted to get out of there).

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