
Saturday, 4 September 2021

The End Is Here

I don't know how many times I've heard this in my life, but I've heard it a lot. There's been so many predictions about the end of the world in the past, that people barely pay attention to it now. They scoff whenever they hear someone say: "The end is near." Or "The world is going go end." And rightfully so. People should not set a date on when the world is going to end. I mean, how would they know? But the truth of the matter is, that the world will some day end. 

But before I get into that, there is the reality of our lives coming to an end when we die. It could end today or tomorrow, or a month from now. And we don't seem to really think about dying unless confronted with it, right? Either by a relative or friend passing away, or maybe even being on our own deathbed. So when we do think of dying, we ask ourselves some questions like, "What happens when I die?" or "Does heaven and hell exist?" or "Is there really life after death?" Those are some very good questions. And most people can agree that they believe our souls continue on after we die. Whether they believe in Jesus and heaven or not, it's hard to imagine yourself just not existing after death. We can sense that our souls are eternal. 

In my opinion, I think dying is something that we should really take seriously, because it is inevitable. How can we not think about it? Let's say the 80+ years that we live is a small dot on a very long line that represents eternity. How is it that we are more focused on the small dot? What about eternity? I mean it's a pretty serious thing to think about. So I choose to think about what will happen to my soul when I die and I believe that heaven and hell exist. And the Bible describes both Heaven and Hell the following way: Heaven is a place where there is no sorrow or pain. A place of peace and joy. And beauty unlike we've ever seen. Heaven is also where Jesus is. Hell is a place of eternal fire and judgment; God's judgment. 

Now besides dying, the Bible talks about a time, in the end, when there will be difficult times like never before. And according to some calculations and the way the world is right now (signs), it seems that time is around the corner. It is a time of difficulty, where there will be war, and famine, and plagues. But it'll be way worse than we can imagine. The Bible gives details in the book of Revelation about exactly what will happen. It's also known as 'the end times'. 

Even if you believe this world we live in won't end Apocalypse style, your world (life) will end at some point. And it could be any minute of any day. If you get scared when you think of dying, that means you don't know where you're going. It's something you should start to consider. 

The Bible says, the only way to get to Heaven is through accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. I bet you're wondering, "Why do we need a saviour?" Well, you see, sin entered this world when Adam and Eve were deceived by the Devil in the garden of Eden. When sin entered the world, the results were disease, destruction, deception and death to name a few. And because of sin, mankind fell and became separated with its Creator/God. Each human was born with a sinful nature since Adam, and because God is holy, we could no longer be with Him. But God had a plan, He sent His Son, Jesus, to bring us back together to Him. His Son had to pay a price for the Sin that entered the world, and when He paid the price with His own life, we were washed clean from sin. 

So you have to admit that you're a sinner and that is why you need a Saviour. You have to believe in Jesus and the price He paid on the cross for you. Then accept Him as your Lord and Saviour. Live a life of repentance. Know that you are dependent on God's grace and mercy every day. But most importantly, know that "God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting/eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved." John 3:16-17

If you truly, honestly believe that you are a miserable, wretched person and nothing in this world satisfies you or makes you happy, then you can be saved. God can't save someone who thinks that they are good or righteous, or someone who is satisfied with what this world has to offer. If you understand sin and the impact it has on your soul, you can pray to God to save you through His Son, Jesus. Ask Him to open your eyes and to get to know Him more. Get a Bible and start reading. It is never too late, because Jesus can forgive you.

There is no other way to Heaven but through Jesus. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. And once you realise and truly understand what He did on the cross for you, you will come to love Him. And we love, because He first loved us.